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Home - Robust profitability services designed to make your organization thrive.

Financial Performance Studies - measure the financial performance of your industry, including an income statement, balance sheet and key financial ratios.

Compensation Studies - give you timely information regarding employee compensation programs, including wages, salaries, commission plans, and fringe benefits.

Seminars - our programs are customized to provide practical, action-oriented concepts you can apply immediately to your industry.

Operating Metrics Surveys - industry profile surveys give you a comprehensive understanding of critical operational areas of management within your industry.

About Mackay Research Group - The Mackay Research Group provides comprehensive, time-sensitive information on employee performance, operating performance and financial performance for trade associations and affiliated organizations.

Contact Mackay Research Group - generate an online inquiry about Mackay Research Group's services.

Search MackayResearchGroup.com - search for specific terms on our site.

Mackay Research Group Online Brochure (.pdf) - our corporate brochure in printable Adobe Acrobat™ format.